Wednesday, August 5, 2009

iPod Savior: Dancehall Edition

I did this mix a little while back on Memorial Day '09. It was gonna be a ol' school mix, but I'm all over the place. So lace that iPod and get it poppin'.


  1. Damn that chick is fucking hot! i think thats the video chick i had a super crush on lol.

    i'mma peep this mix..i'm doing some traveling today so i could use the music.

    my manager was actually a friend of mine who's been on the scene for a while.
    Cause i've tried to reach out to managers before and because i'm a no body they wasnt trying to fuck with me.

    So lucky my friend decided to help me.

    I think that is the best way to go..someone you can trust who knows a lot of people ya know?

  2. Good lookin with the jewels Vrs. Btw, thats video vixen Summer Walker, I seen her 1st...Fall back!!!
